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Campus Visit Procedures

We are proud to give tours of our campus for parents and students wishing to attend Horizon.

We lead tours of our campus monthly and at various times to give you an idea of our campus during morning and afternoons.

Schedule a Tour of Horizon High

We look forward to meeting you and your student. Once you register, consider yourself on the list. Include your email address in the form and you will receive an email reminder the day before your tour. Stop at the front office and sign in to receive a visitor badge. Horizon does not allow shadowing due to liability reasons.

Visitor Check-in

All visitors must check in at the front desk and receive a badge. The front of the school faces 56th Street, and parking is accessible due east of the traffic light at 56th Street and Greenway Road.

Due to school safety issues and limited space, lunches and other items may not be dropped off at the school. In case of an emergency, a parent or legal guardian may sign in at the office and wait for their student so they can hand deliver the item during a passing period. Normal ID process will be followed. Please make sure your student has their lunch or lunch money with them before the school day begins at 7:30 a.m.